Frequently Asked Questions

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We use local shipping Method , CDP or EMS and Postal Service for Small items

How Long Will it Take To Get My Package?

Your order will arrive within 7 days. If there are delays, We will advise you via email of such delays

How Do I Track My Order?

Initially we do not have any order tacking because of in ability of standard tacking in the country however all orders notification will be advised via email

How Do I Place an Order?

In egestas, libero vitae scelerisque tristique, turpis augue faucibus dolor, at aliquet ligula massa at justo. Donec viverra tortor quis tortor pretium, in pretium risus finibus. Integer viverra pretium auctor. Aliquam eget convallis eros, varius sagittis nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean consequat ex sit amet metus ultrices tristique. Nam ac nunc augue. Suspendisse finibus in dolor eget volutpat.

How Should I to Contact if I Have Any Queries?

You can contact us on : [email protected]

Do I Need an Account to Place an Order?

Yes you need an account to make a purchase on

Return Policy

The return policy would be strictly based on the merchant’s current returns and refund policies. Please refer to the merchant’s info page for more details.

